22 February 2009


The card class was yesterday.  I wanted to let Mel know that we all had a great time.  I really enjoyed the book we made.   It was just fantastic.  Thank you Mel, great job!

 We talked earlier, prior to class about Copic pens (Mel and I).  I used them at CHA and fell in love with them.  For those of you that don't know about them they are fantastic.  I am having a hard time stocking them, because I blew my budget on papers and stamps, but am trying to find a way to have you get some.  These pens are refillable, and you can replace the tips.  So it is a one time thing,  very green friendly.  We have way to much plastic in the world without recycling and keeping down the cost.  What a great idea.  I will keep you up to date on what I plan to do, in the mean time check out copic.com and check them out.  They make card making a whole new experience.

Have got to get some sleep, it is almost 2 am and my mind hast to to rest.